Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Financial Astrology April 16

I'm almost flat waiting for another signal we are going lower. Not mentioned in my last post, this evening, April 16, the Moon will translate the Uranus / Pluto square. Pluto is almost exactly in the position it held when it turned retrograde on April 12. This weekend Mercury will do the same by translating the Uranus / Pluto square. Either or both could be eventful and not in a positive way for the markets. The fact they are occurring after hours and over the weekend may point to financial problems in other countries. I'm thinking France.
The Sun conjunct Mars has a record of turns but based on history must be given a wide birth, like +- 8 trading days.

In addition to the above by April 20 there will be Venus, the Sun and Mars in Taurus with Mercury joining them there on May 1st. Taurus and it's opposite sign  Scorpio are the two primary money signs and therefore events should be related to resources and money in what ever form it appears. This could also be decisions about currencies, debt etc.

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